Letters From Santa: Personalized Santa Letters
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Thanks For The Letters

Letters To Santa

Over the past few years Santa has received some touching letters from children.
Here are just a few.
We hope you enjoy them.

Letter 1
Dear Santa Claus,
I wish I had a Nintendo to play.
And I want a computer.
And I want clothes.
And I want toys.
Letter 2
Dear Santa Claus,
For Christmas I want a laminating machine.
And I want a scooter. My Aunt won't get me one.
When I get this letter back can I have some money?
$300.00 please!!!
Letter 3
Dear Santa Claus,
My name is Louis and I am 11 years old.
I have 4 sisters and brothers including me.
My sisters and brothers are 10, 9, 5 and 1 years old.
We want you to bring us games and clothes for Chrismas because
our Mom doesn't work and can't give us what we want.
We want you to bring us toys and clothes.
Thank you Santa Claus for giving us a great Christmas with our family.
May God bless you for everything.
Thank you,
Letter 4
How are you? My name is Catherine and I am in the 7th grade.
I really love Christmas becaue I get to spend time with my family.
My parents work hard but we are very poor so we don't get toys.
Can I have a Gameboy and a 5000 piece puzzle?
Thank you so much Santa!
Letter 5
Dear Santa,
Hey Santa! What's up? My name is Thomas and I am 8 years old.
How are you and Mrs Clause and the elves too?
I like Christmas because I get to spend time with my family and get presents.
For this Christmas can I have an X-Box?
Thank you,
Letter 6
Dear Santa,
Thank you for all the wonderful gifts you got me last year! You are awesome!
Please write me backand tell me what Mrs. Claus likes to eat so I can send her some of her favorite food. So how has your year been going for you? I am in 5th grade now and I will always believe in you.  How did you become Santa? Did you have to go to school to learn how to fly reindeer and deliver presents? Do you give grown ups presents too? So how are the elves doing? I hope they are good. Have fun delivering gifts this Christmas. Well here's my Christmas list:
Ballet Shoes
Hannah Montana CD
Nutcracker Movie
Thanks Santa,
Letter 7
I love you not only because you're my Santa--
I love you because you're my friend.
Merry Christmas
Letter 8

dear santa,

 this year for christams i want.....

an xbox 360

resident evil 5


little motor bike

tickets to see the angels

and a football game for the xbox 360


thank you santa

love caleb


We Believe In Santa And The Magic of Christmas!

Christmas Is Forever

Christmas will always be in the hearts of God's children as they extend a helping hand to a friend in need ... as they go about reflecting God's goodness in the little quiet unheralded expressions of a loving heart ... as they share the light of the world with those who live in darkness.

Other things are limited to an hour on the clock or a day on the calendar. But Christmas is forever.

~Jane Hillsman

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